Press Release

March 18 , 2019

Las Vegas Realtor Terri Gamboa Shares Home-Selling Secrets

Top-producing Las Vegas-based Realtor Terri Gamboa shares her wisdom with potential home sellers when considering their home sale options.

Las Vegas, NV

The Realty One Group team leader has seen many people go it alone and sell their home without a Realtor, and explains why using a real estate professional can save them more than just a headache.

Homeowners across the nation can often relate when asking themselves if they need an agent to sell their home. While the thought of potentially saving money can be exciting, most sellers fail to realize the fine details that are involved with the home selling process. With Gamboa’s team being a top seller of horse and luxury properties on acreage in Las Vegas, she shares her insight on why it’s important to trust your sale to a Realtor.

The Price Is Right: Many potential sellers simply look at Zillow or Trulia for a home value estimate, or even make up values based off emotion. “We are all inclined to think our homes are worth more than market value; it’s a completely natural thing,” said Gamboa. “Sellers should understand how to price their home to coincide with where buyers are at in the marketplace, and a real estate professional has the data and industry tools to come up with a competitive price point.”

Negotiating: Using an agent removes some of the emotion and defers business and paperwork scenarios that could potentially blindside the seller or buyer. Leaving the sales aspect to professionals with experience allows negotiation for the best possible price and leaves the paperwork to the pros. Gamboa added, “Sellers have enough to handle with the home sale, and haggling with the buyer’s agent on price is not a scenario any seller should deal with. Agents also know the market better than most, so both sides are more inclined to know and respect the fair price for a home.”

Your Home on the MLS: When using a licensed agent, a home listing is included on the Multiple Listing Service (MLS). The MLS is the most widely used system for detailing home inventory and providing instructions for buyer’s agents to showcase home listings to their clients. “Your chance of a home being sold skyrockets when it is on the MLS, and the system automatically pushes the home to popular sites such as Zillow, Realtor and Trulia. Without the MLS, most sellers are stuck putting signs in their windows and posting on Craigslist,” noted Gamboa.

Liability: Most real estate agents are licensed Realtors and are backed by the experience, guidance and insurance policies of their brokers. When using a Realtor to sell a home, the seller is creating some distance from the sale and lessening the likelihood of any legal problems that could occur during or after a sale.

“Selling a home is one of the most important transactions in the lives of so many,” concluded Gamboa. “Because of that, it is important that you work with someone you trust and feel is an area expert, has integrity and experience, and a proven track record of selling houses.”

About Terri Gamboa, Terri Gamboa Team, Realty One Group:

The Terri Gamboa Team is the No. 1 horse property and luxury homes on acreage in Las Vegas. They sell all types of real estate, homes, condos, ranch properties, and have successfully represented many buyers and sellers and helped them achieve their real estate goals. For more information, please call 702-528-5473, or visit

For media inquiries, please call the NALA at 805.650.6121, ext. 361.


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