Press Release

April 15 , 2019

Realtor Joy Deevy and Operation Renewed Hope Foundation Ending Veteran Homelessness in Metro DC

McLean Realtor Joy Deevy, of the Deevy Group at Compass, sponsors a table at Operation Renewed Hope Foundation’s Annual Purple and Gold Gala to assist the organization in finding housing for veterans and their families.


This marks the seventh year Deevy, of The Deevy Group, has sponsored a table at the event. “My sister, Lt. Col. Retired Deborah Snyder, is the founder of the non-profit, and served as an Army helicopter pilot, and her husband, Donald is a retired Air Force helicopter pilot,” said Deevy. “At this year’s gala, which was attended by 270 people, we raised over $170,000 for the organization. More than 90 percent of the donations to Operation Renewed Hope Foundation go directly to helping veterans.”

The mission of Operation Renewed Hope Foundation is to provide quality housing and supportive services to America’s homeless veterans. The foundation works with landlords and rental agencies throughout the metro DC area to locate suitable places for veterans and their families, therefore providing a stable housing environment.

At this year’s Purple and Gold Gala, Lieutenant General Charles D. Luckey, Chief of Army Reserve and Commanding General, United States Army Reserve Command, spoke about the importance of having purpose and feeling like you are a part of a team. His profound message resonates directly with the foundation’s work to provide a place, both physically and emotionally, for homeless veterans.

The event also featured an award ceremony, where Luis Rodolfo Quiñonez was given Operation Renewed Hope Foundation’s Patriot Award for his dedication to helping disabled veterans, preventing veteran suicide, and lowering homelessness and drug addiction among veterans.

Since inception in December 2011, Operation Renewed Hope Foundation has assisted more than 800 Veterans and their family members. The foundation also assists veterans by providing bus, taxi or metro fare, and when possible, donated vehicles; partners with community organizations and citizens to pick up donated furniture and household items and deliver directly to the veteran’s home; and utilizes community involvement with generous dentists and clinics for pro bono care.

To donate directly to Operation Renewed Hope Foundation, please visit

As a Compass Realtor, Deevy also participates in the Compass Cares program. Compass Cares aims to contribute $10 million in funds and skills-based volunteering to local organizations in 2019, with 100% of real estate transactions resulting in a donation to the community.

About Joy Deevy, the Deevy Group, Compass 
Joy Deevy is one of the finest real estate consultants in the Washington metro area, and has more than 18 years of experience in the real estate industry. The Deevy Group is comprised of a team of professionals that help Joy serve her clients and guide them successfully to their real estate goals. Joy is a Certified Negotiation Expert (CNE), Certified Home Selling Advisor (CHSA), member of the National Association of Expert Advisors, Accredited Staging Professional and Energy Smart Real Estate Specialist. For more information, please call (703) 930-5198, or visit

For media inquiries, please call the NALA at 805.650.6121, ext. 361. 


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